Thank you for your prayers and financial support of the ministries of life connection church


It's easy to give using ZELLE

our number is (817) 788-1414

You can also Give a single donation or set up automatic  donations.

for a one time only gift, you do not have to create an account or login.


If you are already using the Breeze App, Login or create an account. once you login, Choose $givenow.

You can choose multiple funds per transaction (this cuts down on fees).

You can choose to save your payment information so that you do not have to enter it again later.

If you have any questions, contact

May God bless you more than you can imagine.

Other Ways to Give

Giving During Worship Service
We do not pass the plate during our services.  

We have envelopes and a basket in

the back near the exit .  

Simply place your check or cash in an envelope and drop it in the basket.


Giving via US Postal Service
Make checks payable to Life Connection Church

208 Nutmeg Lane, Euless, TX  76039

For more information, email