Be OUr Guest FOr Easter

Easter Sunday is such a Joyful Sunday Celebration.  Easter is celebrating the joy and freedom we have in Jesus. Jesus loves us so much that He gave His life so we could have a personal relationship through Him with our Father in Heaven. Jesus loves us deeply and this truth is what we cling to with all assurance; full of hope, passion, and worship.

Because of the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday, we are forgiven for our past and we live a new life in Him.

Be our guest on Easter Sunday for inspiring worship, a life-changing Easter Message, Kid Connection, and an Egg Hunt for the kids after the service.

April 20 at 10:00 AM

Kids Egg hunt

After our service join your kids for an Easter Egg Hunt in the church yard.  It will be a great finish to an awesome morning. 

Good Friday Service

Friday April 18 at 7 pm

At sundown we will have a special and unique service by candlelight. Reading through the stations of the cross in a atmosphere of reverence and quietness,

Kids Connection Services

There will be no childcare for this quiet and sombre service. All Kids are invited to participate.


The worship experience at Life Connection Church is meant to be relevant to your daily life.

Our style is modern but our emphasis is on correct thoughts and feelings towards God with songs that are both contemporary and ancient.

Worship is not just music, but music is a tool that God has given us to help focus the fullness of our attention upon Jesus Christ.


  • Our services last about an hour. Doors are open 20 min prior with coffee and snacks available.

  • We generally wear casual clothes. Don't worry if you have never been to church before. Whatever your background, we want your experience at LCC to be relaxing and enjoyable.

  • Kid Connection services will be available for all ages at all service times. Your children will have a unique and exciting morning full of hands-on fun as they discover God’s love through the resurrection of His son, Jesus. They will also go home with a small gift to remind them of what they learned.